Car Opportunity Drawing

$35 for 1 ticket
$100 for 3 tickets
$300 for 10 tickets

Two Ways to Purchase Car Opportunity Ticket(s)

Click Here to complete the form to purchase tickets, or you may purchase tickets at the middle school or high school reception desk through Friday, Mar. 17. (See form for instructions).

  • Tickets will also be available for purchase at the Gala Dinner Auction on Saturday, March 18, at the Four Seasons Hotel.
  • The drawing will take place the night of the Gala Dinner Auction. Winner need not be present to win.
  • Must be 18 years or older to enter drawing.
  • The vehicle will be ordered to the winner's color specifications subject to dealer availability. Terms include a three-year, 10,000 mile/yr. lease with all upfront costs and fees covered. Winner must qualify for lease terms.