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Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock are very welcome and can be in the best interests of both the donor and the charitable organization. Gifts of appreciated stock have tremendous tax advantages and can enable a donor to maximize their support of our school.

If you wish to donate stock or other securities, contact Major Gifts Officer - Alumni and Families Scott Rockney at or (818) 575.9217 to confirm the timing of your transfer. You will need to provide the security’s name, number of shares and date of your planned delivery or transfer. This notification will enable us to provide you with an accurate and timely receipt.

Oaks Christian School Brokerage Account Information

U.S. Bancorp Investments
U.S. Bank Tower Los Angeles
633 W. 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone (213) 615-6310

DTC-Eligible Securities: DTC number 0280 (Code 40)
OCS Brokerage Account # 43059641

NOTE: If your stock is held in a brokerage account, typically your broker will handle the transaction