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Seek. Serve. Shine.
For over two decades, Oaks Christian School has offered students and parents opportunities for local, domestic, and international service and outreach. Many of these impactful experiences are transformational, broadening perspectives, cultivating empathy, connections, appreciation, and discovery.


We ask and help students to SEEK opportunities where they can SERVE and SHINE the light of God's love and the Gospel message of the saving life of Christ. Students serve domestically with local community non-profits or internationally on academic or service immersion trips. Students uphold our motto of Minds for Leadership and Hearts for Service while authentically engaging with those they serve.

Servant Leadership
Whether domestic or international, our goal is for students to develop servant leadership as a part of their worldview. We offer varying experiences since every student has different interests. Students explore opportunities and decide where to serve, often leading to impactful experiences and new relationships.
Cultural Competency

From misison trips to India, Romania, Costa Rica, Mexico, and more, our goal is for students to develop cultural competency as they understand and appreciate diverse cultures, understanding God's great love for all people.

Shoe Leather Faith

We provide multiple opportunities for students to put shoe leather to their faith in real-world, hands-on situations. Working with the community, students immerse themselves in partnership and commraderie with those they are serving.

Compassion and Empathy

Serving with Christ-like love, our students care for those in our local community. Be it through food banks, foster care agencies, or shelters, meeting the needs of others helps them deepen their faith and increase their compassion and empathy for the hurting, disenfranchised and marginalized.

Academic Immersion 

Service Immersion

Serving Together

Local impact / learn more


In the same way, let your light shine before others so they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven. - Matthew 5:16