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Serving Together

Open Your Mind, Heart, and Eyes 

For over two decades, Oaks Christian School has offered students and parents opportunities for local, domestic, and international service and outreach. Many of these experiences are transformational, broadening perspectives and cultivating empathy, appreciation, and connections.

Immersion Learning

Our immersion opportunities cover a breadth of travel, cultures, and experiences. From art trips to Europe to studying the rainforest in Costa Rica, these unique trips place students in communities and cultures that cannot be experienced through textbooks. Working with and meeting others with different experiences is essential to developing a global perspective. Be it educational or missional, these trips are carefully selected for maximum impact. It is our hope that through these opportunities, students will learn to love and value all people as God loves and values each person.

Service Learning

Service learning at Oaks Christian is more than singular acts of volunteerism: it is an extension of our learning philosophy that teaches empathy, caring and compassion. Beyond the benefit to the recipient, service learning creates a mindset in our students of thinking of others and creating a lifestyle of service. Every year, hundreds of students (and parents) volunteer at our school and/or with local organizations right in our own neighborhood. It is through these sustained partnerships that we can make a lasting impact in our own community.

Educational and Outreach Trips

Local Partner Organizations